The best holidays

My best vacations were in 2017, when with my parents, my brother and my aunt we went to Chiloé, Frutillar and Puerto Varas. We really wanted to go, since we had seen the beautiful landscapes of Chiloe, and we also love southern Chile. Although it was a long journey, since we drove from Villarrica, it was totally worth it.

We had not planned the trip much, so we thought we would be there for a short time (maximum 2 days) and we had not looked for where to stay, but we were lucky to find a stilt house in Castro to stay. That was wonderful and we loved the place so much that we stayed for five days. 

We visit the center of Castro, The national park of Chiloé, Dalcahue and Curaco de Velez. All the places were beautiful and surrounded by nature. In addition, the churches are very beautiful, and several of them were declared a patrimony of humanity.

Finally, it was a nice trip to enjoy the magic of the south with my family, and it seems true that the phrase that the unplanned works out better.


  1. Ohh! Chiloé is my dad's favorite place of Chile, he visited it like 50 year ago and still loves it. I wish i had the money to give him and my mom a trip to Chiloé and its sorroundings as a gift, it's a beautiful city.
    bye :)

    P.S: in your first paragraph the last sentence is written in spanish, maybe you should change it in case it does affect your grade

  2. I went to Chiloé too!! it's a very beautiful island. My best memory is from Cucao when my family and I walked to "Muelle de las Almas". And I had the chance to see the beautiful sunrise every morning at the palafito where we stayed. Your post brougth me a lot of memories!

  3. Chiloé seems to me to be one of the most interesting and beautiful places in southern Chile. I hope to get to know this place someday and also its culture.

  4. Hi Cata, what a beautiful experience, I don't even remember what Castro was like, but if there is something I remember, it was the houses with stilts, they seemed very entertaining and beautiful, you were really lucky to find one where they could stay.

  5. Hi Cata, i was in Chiloé in 2015, it's a very nice place, i really liked it, i agree about the landscapes, are very pretty!

  6. Going to Chiloé is one of my mom's biggest dreams, I hope we can go someday and have an experience as enjoyable as yours!

  7. Hi Catalina. It sounds like you had a great time. I've never been to Chiloé before, but I would love to. The southest city/town I've visited is Laja, and for what I experienced I can tell the south is a great destiny...

  8. Hi Catalina! I had the pleasure of knowing Chiloé in 2015, It seems to me a really magical place!


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