My favorite movie

 It is dificult for me choose a favorite movie, since I like many, but one of the ones that has moved me the most is The reader. I saw it in the summer of this year and it made me cry a lot. The film is set in Germany  after the second world war, is about the love relationship of a teenager and a woman and he discovers that she likes to be read books, she suddenly disappears, but then they meet again in very different circumstances. 


The history, the photography and the performances are great, in fact, the film was nominated for 5 Oscar awards in 2009 (among them for best film) and won the Oscar for best actress for the performance of Kate Winslet. I highly recommend seeing it. 

The genre of movies that I like the most is thriller and drama, and also this last time I have proposed to see some classics of the cinema. 

The last movie I saw is Funny Games, it is a movie of suspense and drama, and I liked it a lot. I recommend seeing it if you like those genres.


  1. Hi Cata!
    Being honest I have never seen "the reader", although from what you mention, in addition to the award won and those nominated, I think it really must be an excellent movie. I think I'll put it on my list! have a nice day !


  2. You are right as to choose only one, when I have free time I will try to see your movies, I think since" Coco" that I do not cry watching a movie hahaha

  3. Hi Cata, I've never seen either of the two movies you mention. But I'm very interested in the movie Funny Games, I think I'll see it soon because I love the ones of that genre.

  4. Hi Catalina!
    I've never seen The Reader or Funny Games, in fact, I had confused The Reader with Revolutionary Road, where Kate Winslet also performs. However, I will add them to my priority list hahaha. Regards!

  5. woow, my favorite movies are the complete opposite from this one, but i love 'The Reader' i made my mom watch it and she cried. The moment when she blame herself (i won't the reason because of spoilers) it's heartbreaking.

  6. I agree on the positive criticism "The Reader" has achieved. I think it's a pretty good movie too. About the other movie, I've honestly haven't seen it, but I like it's genre and the simplicity of the plot summary. I'll probably watch it soon :D

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Hi Cata, unfortunately I haven't seen any movie you talked about, but I loved the plot of "The reader" I will definitely watch it.
    I love movie classics, which ones have you seen?

  9. Hi Cata! I hadn't seen the movies you talked about, but I think that I will watch The Reader as soon as I finish all my homework!, it sounds amazing.

  10. Hi Catalina! I haven't seen any of the movies you mentioned, but as soon as I have a chance I will!

  11. Hi Cata! How are you? I love the movies of this genre, romantic or dramatic movies and much more if they have historical content. I haven't watched this movie, but I think I'll watch it when I have free time haha, do you recommend another drama / romance movie?


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