My future job

 Hi! This time I will talk to you about what I would like to work on the future. I still see that moment very far away, so I don't have it very clear. However, I think I would like to work within the State and serve as a public administrator. I don´t know if in the central administration or in municipalities or regional gobernments, but I'm interested in issues of childhood, migrants and the elderly. I hope to contribute to these topics and make these groups have a greater protection of their rights. 

Regarding whether I prefer to work outdoors or indoors, I think it is difficult to get outdoors jobs in this area, but I don't mind working in an office anyway, what  I would like is to have a long vacation haha. Having the opportunity to travel at work would be great, since I like to see new places. 

I want to have a salary that gives me stability and to be able pay for me things, and live well. For this I want to continue studying and specialize in an area (I still don't know what), if I had the possibility of doing a master's degree abroad I would be very happy. 


  1. Hi Cata, I am also interested in issues of the elderly, I really would like us to contribute to that.
    Also, I hope you can do a master's degree abroad.

  2. Hello Cata, I find interesting the topics you would like to work on and that you want to contribute to the most disabled people.

  3. Hi Catalina, those topics are really interesting and important around the world, i haven't decided yet, but maybe i will dedicate myself to one of those. I hope you can get that degree in the future :D

  4. Hi Cata, I also think those topics are really interesting. Maybe you could get a Major in Human and Civil Rights or something like that. About your future job, have you considered working on a ministry, such as the Justice and Human Rights Ministry or on the Work and Social Security Ministry?

    The last thing, there's an episode of a podcast called "La Constitución Según" in wich they have Patricia Muñoz as a guest. She is the principal authority of a very important national childhood rights institution called "Defensoría de la Niñez". In that episode there's a lot of discussion about the actual state of this topic in Chile, in case you want to hear it.

    Greetings :D

    1. Thanks for your recommendations, I will take them into account ;)

  5. Hi Cata, i think that it's a very hard job but if do you really like i think that you can do it very well!

  6. Hi Catalina! I also consider it necessary to work on immigration issues. I hope you can get your ideal job, good luck!


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