Summer Plans

Hi! Today I am going to tell you what I plan to do in the summer holidays (I look forward it). I'm mainly going to rest, since it has been a very exhausting year. For the rest I don't have many plans, because with the pandemic everything is very uncertain, but I would like to go south with my family, specifically to Villarrica, since it is a place that we love, and there we could enjoy the lake and spend time together, we could also visit Valdivia, since it is relatively close and is a very beautiful place. So, most of my vacations I will be with my family (dad, mom and brother), but I would also like to see my friends, since I haven't seen them in a long time. 

Also, I want to take bike rides, watch series and movies, read and (hopefully it is allowed) go to parks or places with nature. In general, rest at home, since it is still very risky to go out and go places with many people.

I don't think I will take a job, since the most feasible thing was to work in December for the Christmas season, but with the classes and exams I will not have time. About studying, maybe I will do some online courses at Coursera and I want to do the driving course to finally get a license. 

Tell me what will you do. 


  1. Hello Catalina, I will also go south (we will not be that far) I think that the south is a wonderful place to visit. We will have similar plans because I will also take the driving course.

  2. Hello Catalina, I also hope to be able to visit the south this summer holiday. I want to escape from Santiago!

  3. Hello Cata, I hope you can go south and enjoy with your family, I also hope that we can see each other since we haven't seen each other for a long time.

  4. Hi Catalina, your summer plan is excellent, the most important thing is to rest haha.

  5. Hi Catalina, I want to go to the south too :( I hope we can do it for the summer and covid gets under control.

  6. Hi Cata! I hope you can enjoy your family vacation!

  7. hello catalina, what good plans for this summer, i still hope to visit villarrica i love to enjoy the lake, the landscapes and all the tranquility that transmits this city.
    i hope you can fulfill your summer plans, best regards

  8. Hi Cata. I hope you enjoy your travel and get all the rest you deserve! Greetings :D


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